Take the Leap!

Take the Leap!

Hello my loves,

I wanted to share something exciting with you.

Last month, i gave up my part time job to chase my dream of working FULL-TIME for my business's!


I know what you're thinking...Why give up a reliable, guaranteed income and take a big risk like that?

Well the truth is, this has been a long time coming. I did NOT come to this decision overnight.

It came about from a year of anxiety, panic attacks & feeling that i am not doing what i am meant to be doing. Working part time for the same company for the past 13 years started to give me these feelings, as i felt so unaligned.

After many tears and discussions with my husband, back & forth's and raw feelings expressing this desire to him, we decided to give it a go! For me to LEAP

It was the scariest thing i could do.

BUT, i have done it. Taken the LEAP.

I am so excited & scared at the same time. I have wanted this for so long, i have pictured myself working for my business's for so long. And its finally happened.

I have honestly never felt so aligned before.

I have my amazing customers to thank for helping me make the decision also! Without your support, my dream does not come true.

So please know that every purchase you make, you are contributing not only to MY dreams, but my family also.

So thank you, your support means the world to me!


" She felt something click inside - She suddenly realized she was no longer available for careers, relationships or thoughts that were not in alignment with her highest expression, desires and truth - Her worthiness had grown roots, and she was now unshakable in the belief that she was worthy of a life of magic - And she knew that the only person that could giver her that.......Was herself - So she put on her crown & got to work "


I have also recently been featured on the podcast 'All things small biz' with Sarah Hayles where i discuss my decision to take the leap.

Take a listen and get to know me a little more.

'All things small biz' With Sarah Hayles - Episode 19.

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